I prefer living in environments where there are lots of rocks sticking out of the ground, and not covered with masses of vegetation, and especially when full of fossils. St. George is perfect for me!
Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Science
- University of Pennsylvania, 2004
M.S. in Earth Sciences
- Southern Methodist University, 1997
B.A. in Geoscience
- University of Colorado at Boulder, 1993
- GEO 1010 - Introduction to Geology
- GEO 1015 - Introduction to Geology Lab
- GEO 1020 - Life of the Past
- GEO 1040 - Introduction to Dinosaurs
- GEO 1045 - Intro to Dinosaurs Lab
- GEO 1110 - Physical Geology
- GEO 1115 - Physical Geology Lab
- GEO 1220 - Historical Geology
- GEO 1225 - Historical Geology Lab
- GEO 3180 - Paleontology
- BIOL 3110 - Scientific Writing and Communication
Jerry Harris
Professor of Paleontology
Email: jharris@dixie.edu
Phone: 435-652-7758
Office: Snow 235